White Rose Society Presents 10,000 Roses

On April 29 and 30, The White Rose Society hosted its 15th annual 10,000 Roses event on campus. During this two-day event, hundreds of volunteers de-thorned and distributed 10,000 roses across campus to commemorate the number of Jews murdered each day at Auschwitz. In addition to reminding the campus community of the victims of the Holocaust, The White Rose Society also seeks to highlight and address current social injustices across the globe. As a genocide prevention and Holocaust remembrance organization, The White Rose Society believes actions against global injustice start with education and initiatives on a local level, and that by learning about past human rights violations, people are better equipped to understand human rights violations today. The White Rose Society is inspired by the original White Rose Society, a small group of German students who formed a clandestine resistance against the Nazis in 1930’s Munich. Members wrote and distributed six anti-Nazi pamphlets until 1943, when they were discovered and reported to the Gestapo.

In addition, there was a Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) memorial Wednesday evening at 7 pm on the West Mall on campus. Students and community members came to honor the memory of the six million Jews and five million non-Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust and light a Yahrzeit candle to say the mourner’s kaddish as a community.

May 1, 2019

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