Texas Hillel’s Legacy Society recognizes those who have included Texas Hillel in their wills or estate plans. 

Texas Hillel Legacy Society Members

Carol and Steve Aaron
Patti and Mike Abkowitz
Louise Epstein and John Henry McDonald
Sandra and Steven Finkelman
Sherri and Dr. Robert Frachtman
Frances and Daniel Hamermesh
Rabbi David Komerofsky
Rebecca and Stuart Isgur
Lynn and Lenny Krasnow
Naomi and Michael Levy
Nora and Allen Lieberman
Marge and Hans Mayer
Sherry and Gerald Merfish
Ione and Sidney Moran
Esther and Gary Polland
Paula and Irving Pozmantier
Leslie and Russ Robinson
Glen Rosenbaum
Celia and Larry Schoenbrun
Shari and Stuart Schwartz
Carol and Kaylen Silverberg
Karla and Larry Steinberg
Leah Stolar and Bruce Kessler
Lecia and Jim Sud
Dana Sharon Winer
Edith and Robert Zinn
Our legacy donors are individuals and couples who share our values and want to ensure that Texas Hillel is here to
provide a home for Jewish students for years to come. 
Join Texas Hillel’s Legacy Society today! To let us know about your legacy gift, or if you have questions,
please contact Rabbi Stephanie Max, Executive Director, at smax@texashillel.org or 585-261-0413.
Information for advisors:
Legal Name: Texas Hillel Endowment Foundation
TAX ID: 90-0708097
Contact Us

Texas Hillel
2105 San Antonio Street,
Austin, TX 78705

P: 512.476.0125
F: 512.476.0128
E: info@texashillel.org

Read more about our community guidelines here.

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Jewish Federation of Waco and Central Texas
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