By Jonathan Cope | Contributor

Leah Stolar is a community-driven and accomplished alum, with a unique and inspiring drive for Tikkun Olam.

Leah completed an undergraduate degree in Music at The University of Texas at Austin, Class of 1982. Following that, she attained a law degree at UT, Class of 1985. At the time, she was involved in many diverse aspects of campus life, including co-chairing the Campus United Jewish Appeal (UJA) campaign. With her studies in both music theory and piano, Leah had even accompanied one of Hillel’s speakers.

Having been raised in Canada with a very strong Jewish background, Leah heard that thousands of Jewish students attended UT, and upon arriving, she made it her goal to engage in Hillel and Jewish student life around campus. She is also a proud parent of two UT Alumni — a Computer Science major, and a Theatre major.

As she currently holds her position as President on the Board of Directors — as well as 10 years of experience on the board — Leah envisions Hillel to be a community hospitable and welcoming to all Jewish students. She aspires to help Texas Hillel remain a place where students can simply be themselves and feel at home.

Leah has enjoyed attending the Israel Block Party and is excited about offerings like Maiya’s Life’s Big Questions, Jordenne’s Stretch in the Sukkah, and Shimi’s Cafe Ivrit. She was very impressed with Hillel International’s Higher Holidays, as they offered a diverse set of services that appealed not only to college students but their families as well.

Leah’s favorite place in Austin is the Whole Foods located on Lamar, as she advocates whole, plant-based nutrition. Her favorite restaurants include Casa de Luz and ATX Food Co. In her spare time, Leah takes great pride in her community vegetable garden, teaching plant-based cooking classes, chanting Haftorah, and also holds a position on the board of the Zamir Choral Foundation.